I wrote The Light feature film in 2015, and we shot it in 2017/18, premiered in 2019, online in 2020.

It’s this thriller movie, all about growing up in rural Western Australia. About friendships, but also about evil, betrayal & uncovering the darkness in the world.

I’m really proud of all the moments an entire team of brilliant cast & crew formed together. It feels like we created a whole world, and gave voice to people, gave voice to a story. Such energy went into this.

What a scary, bold, transcendent and splendid joy movie making is. I hope you enjoy watching The Light, available at WWW.THELIGHTFILM.COM/WATCH



DECEMBER 2019: We Did It!

Hello friends.

We premiered in Perth on October 27th, 2019, at Luna Leederville to around 430 people.
In Kalgoorlie we premiered on December 18th, 2019 at Orana Cinemas, with the help of Film Harvest Goldfields, to around 110 people.

I’m thankful to my parents for such support. To the cast & crew. During the filming and editing, I gave so much energy, and that’s a wonderful, rewarding, exhausting feeling. I wrote on my shower wall during production, in capital letters. ‘Trust your cast & crew. They are there for you, and there for the project.’ And they were. To Luna Leederville, Orana Cinemas, Film Harvest Goldfields, Felix H and everybody who has helped us out with our screenings. To our executive producers: Annabel Inglis, Andrew Inglis, Geospatial Frameworks, Evan Arnold, Lesley Arnold & Chris Arnold. To Robert Faulkner. To Tanja Visosevic. Gavin Docherty. Mishna Nagda. Again, all the cast & crew. To the friends and family who supported me, and supported the cast & crew through it all.

It took a lot of hard work and effort, and a lot of belief and talent to make this movie. We told a killer story, and brought these moments to life for eternity. I’m so thankful. We slaughtered it.

I felt such relief and satisfaction once we were done, and one of my greatest memories will be sitting at The Moon Café after the premiere with a group of the cast & crew and supporters. We had done it. We heard people laugh and gasp and react. They cheered through credits. They had favourite moments, and favourite scenes. They speculated on who the bad guys were. They connected to our world and characters. It brings me joy and amazement.

On premiere night, I was most emotional speaking about how the cast brought to life the voices of Kalgoorlie characters. The kids that I grew up with, represented on a cinema screen. That’s really moving to me. Our cast had honest and strong performances, that came from the heart. They took chances and risks, as did the crew, and we were rewarded. Thank you for putting soul, heart, friendship and life into all of this.

I was tense for the first hour of our Perth screening, so nervous that anything would go wrong. It was only an hour in that I could relax a bit. When Ben walks down through the house with gun in hand… I knew that from there it was all so powerful, and that the audience were really in for it. Our premiere was such a beautiful night.

Next year, I want to get this movie online with bonus features, and we’ll screen again in 2020!

Again, I’m so unbelievably grateful. We did it!

Thank you so much,

Zack Inglis



MAY 2019: Looking Ahead

-We reshot the one shot from the film that we missed last year. 
-Colouring, sound & soundtrack are running full steam ahead in post-production, as this month we look towards festival entry & our premiere.


FEBRUARY 2019: Sound

Hey all!

Visuals are locked, after a ton of effort. Still to come: colouring, possible VFX & finalising everything. A lot of work to come: intent for a 2019 release. Looking at festivals & release options soon…

The film’s now with Mishna Nagda & with Joel Ash, pushing sound and soundtrack!

It was thrilling to reach that stage, it’s been a big marker of progress in my eyes for a long time. A big goal.

I enjoyed recently assembling a variety of track titles for different pieces of soundtrack.

Some of my favourite titles:

  • Under The House

  • Shovel

  • Horror is Nice

  • Mount Charlotte

  • The Purest, Most Perfect Light There Is

  • Happy Chase

As always, can’t wait for you all to see this.

Working hard!

Zack Inglis



OCTOBER & SEPTEMBER 2018: Trailer & Release Update


Here comes the trailer… stay tuned to The Light Facebook page.


We're facing a bit of delay!

- Working hard on getting our official trailer locked down for a release soon.
- The Light is looking at a 2019 release & premiere.

Thank you for your patience, we wanna make this the best it can be & will keep you up to date!

Zack Inglis, Director/Writer of The Light


JULY 2018: First Edit

Hello everybody,

Zack Inglis here on behalf of The Light feature film. Sorry for the radio silence for a while! I’ve been putting my hours into editing the movie. Tonight, I’ve finished my first official cut of the visuals. Our other editors, Solomon Hughes and Lauren Mullally put together something beautiful, and I’ve spent the last who-knows-how-long editing based off of their assembly. First thing, I’m so, so grateful for the work these two have put into cutting the film together. My job would be twenty to thirty times harder without them. I feel excited. Nervous. The movie’s thrilling. Matt Arnold, playing our hero, Ben in the movie, will testify, I cry a lot when I edit this. The performances are brilliant and it’s all pretty moving. I cannot wait for you to see this. But wait I must. We’re at the stage where visuals are polished and we start to add sound to the film. Throughout the edit I’ve been struck by the cast and crew’s immense effort, the ingenuity, and eye for detail everyone on the film has had. Contributions that made this film so good.


Where are we?

We’re hopeful for a premiere towards the end of 2018.

I have one hell of a delicious trailer, courtesy of Mathew Coughlin, coming sometime in the next couple of months if all goes to plan.

Thank you for all your support, as always. You’ll see this movie soon, and that’s incredible.

Zack Inglis X


Photo by the excellent Andrew Samson.

Photo by the excellent Andrew Samson.



Zack Inglis, director/writer/producer of 'The Light' here. 

I feel as though I need more time to reflect on all this! On January the 20th, 2018, we finished filming 'The Light'. Started shooting mid-December 2017. Started writing in 2015. The efforts of dozens of people made it happen. 

There are too many people to list, to thank. What I will say, is YOU HAVE AN AMAZING MOVIE ON IT'S WAY.

We plan to get the movie out in late 2018. Visually, storywise, performancewise, soundwise, I was continually pleased during shooting, and stunned with what we were getting on set. It was stressful, so stressful. But I am extremely pleased with most of the efforts of the cast and crew. You were so stunning. Your resolve and kindness and hard work got me, and got us through it. The cast and crew became a real family. Papa Zack & Daddy Rob are proud of you. Without Rob Faulkner we are nothing. Without so many of you, we are nothing but an idea. Now we have a movie, editing forces piecing it together. 

If I didn't have the small reassurances and intuition of the crew and cast, I don't think I could've done it. The performances of the cast brought me to tears, and I think they can do the same for you viewers. I think you'll love this movie. 

Our efforts have been strong, and the passion & commitment to SERVE OUR PROJECT, OUR STORY, is admirable. 

Thank you, movie coming. 

Love, Zack Inglis.


JULY 2017: Teaser To Be

Hey all!

Updates. We’ve been working hard.

From a writing perspective, I’m continuing to tweak, to cut scenes, to make it all more essential. These days I’ve been focusing on the structure, and the mood/atmosphere within scenes, and realising how essential it is that the film kicks into a more intense gear after the second act trauma. Cutting dialogue after the sixty minute point, making it a little less jokey, had helped ground the film. Looking forward to lingering in those intense moments, with a menacing camera… Reminding the actors of where they’re at in the story, so we know when to be wide-eyed and intense, and afraid. It’s important the narrative drive stays with the film, and our characters don’t go through the motions, but actively push the story forward, present within it.

July. It’s a big time for the film. We’re shooting an epic teaser trailer in the middle of this month. Featuring some of our most effective imagery. Featuring… HAPPYFACE, VIOLENCE, A FEW OF OUR LEADS, and introducing the look of the film. Ideally, people see this and realise the reality… This is real, a legitimate project, with stunning visuals. A movie to be.

In seeing our teaser, we hope that people can back us, in our pursuit of the incredible. The vibe of the teaser’s going to linger with people, and be vital for us going ahead. Really looking forward to working with Joel, the film’s composer, to compose to the teaser, and really ramp up the gravity the trailer hits with.

 I met with Gavin (our DOP for the teaser), Thai, Rob, Yousuf & others the other night, at Rob’s. We got major visual inspiration from Dexter, It Follows, Green Room, The Town That Dreaded Sundown, Blue Ruin, and a bunch of short films Thai introduced us to. I stressed during that evening, that we must know what we are as a project… a low-budget horror film. I don’t want to replicate hundred million dollar films, I don’t want to try for that, because it’ll look like we’re trying to be something that we’re not.  I want to be a fully-realised project, that AESTHETICALLY doesn’t try to be anything that it’s not. We’re not going for the greatest of cameras, we’re going for great cameras that can do the job, and reflect the landscape and lives of those in Kalgoorlie in an aesthetically beautiful, very real, brilliant way. Chills.

Thai & Gavin are legends. I was really wowed, and pleased to see the two communicate, with such a wealth of knowledge, and an abundance of ideas, of angles to tackle lighting, and the visuals of the film. My confidence is boosted, again, that this film will look alive, vibrant and stunning.

Also! We had our first group script read with the cast. The third act hits so hard, and the whole room was crazy tense. You could feel a lot of love and humour all throughout the night, in the story and the people.

Casting announcements are on their way.

May a teaser trailer be with you soon.

X Zack Inglis



MAY/JUNE 2017: Facebook

DIARY #002

Posted on the 12th of June. Been crazy late! Our Facebook's up. We're happening, at www.facebook.com/thelightfeaturefilm

Zack Inglis X


APRIL 2017: Auditions

DIARY #001


Big thanks to Eleanor, Eli, Anna and many more for their help through auditions. Callbacks are taking place towards the end of this month, and before May, I want to lock in a core cast. We'll see how we go. I saw excellent talent, and worked out even more about the core of these characters. Some interesting adaptations... Fifty people, three days!

As per usual, a lot went on this month. It almost feels like I'm understating how much work we do. But! Here's some of what we achieved in April of 2017.

I met with Ryan S McNally, of Dark Psychic Productions, to discuss quiz nights and fundraising. Much thanks to him and his guidance, as a killer arts practitioner in Perth.

Robert Faulkner! Pushed budgets and scheduling, grants and more behind-the-scenes with the aid of our Department Heads. Rob & I recently set up a weekly Skype meeting between the two of us. It's pivotal, and I'm so glad Rob pushed for it, as it'll really help us keep on track. We could be stuck in pre-production for years... but we won't be now. We're focused and on track to shoot mostly in December 2017 and January 2018. A lot of work to be done.

Jess Langdon, one of our gifted makeup artists, and artist, period, contributed some concept art of Happyface, Sadface and more scenes from the film. You'll see this soon, it's stunning. 

Catering ideas are evolving... Bernie & I have plans to make meals relaxing, communal, gorgeous, and quality. It's important to me, to boost morale with a killer key dining area, to keep the cast and crew feeling good.

Joel Ash has been laying down some ideas for the soundtrack, and he's a master. The atmosphere of this film's going to be immersive, beautiful, and spooky for sure. Stunning to hear. This'll be big. 

I spoke about 'The Light' in a live interview with M.E.T FM, Radio Murdoch, and the response is great... much more queued up in terms of reaching our audience in May.  

Want to finish up this here website by the month's end. 

May's a massive month for 'The Light'. 
We're well and truly moving ahead. Major thanks to Rob, our Production Manager, for pushing everything along.

In May we're:

-Prepping some creative content, showcasing our vision for the film. 
-Setting up crowdfunding, quiz nights and more!
-Setting up social media, and an online presence. 
-Tackling the budget with department heads.
-Applying for grants.
-Announcing our cast.
-Presenting a short script reading & brief to the community of Kalgoorlie.
-Probably more.

Travelling to pretty Kalgoorlie soon with a small group of us. Hopefully, while we're down there, we can catch up with JadeCaseySallyHeddwyn, part of our base in Kalgoorlie. We've been offered a short thirty minute or so slot at the Heartwalk Wrap, in this arcade, with 100+ chairs in the main street. All money from tickets sold go straight to the film. It's also a chance to experience the feel of Kalgoorlie early. It's something special. x

Is that everything?

Thanks all, 
