JULY 2018: First Edit

Hello everybody,

Zack Inglis here on behalf of The Light feature film. Sorry for the radio silence for a while! I’ve been putting my hours into editing the movie. Tonight, I’ve finished my first official cut of the visuals. Our other editors, Solomon Hughes and Lauren Mullally put together something beautiful, and I’ve spent the last who-knows-how-long editing based off of their assembly. First thing, I’m so, so grateful for the work these two have put into cutting the film together. My job would be twenty to thirty times harder without them. I feel excited. Nervous. The movie’s thrilling. Matt Arnold, playing our hero, Ben in the movie, will testify, I cry a lot when I edit this. The performances are brilliant and it’s all pretty moving. I cannot wait for you to see this. But wait I must. We’re at the stage where visuals are polished and we start to add sound to the film. Throughout the edit I’ve been struck by the cast and crew’s immense effort, the ingenuity, and eye for detail everyone on the film has had. Contributions that made this film so good.


Where are we?

We’re hopeful for a premiere towards the end of 2018.

I have one hell of a delicious trailer, courtesy of Mathew Coughlin, coming sometime in the next couple of months if all goes to plan.

Thank you for all your support, as always. You’ll see this movie soon, and that’s incredible.

Zack Inglis X


Photo by the excellent Andrew Samson.

Photo by the excellent Andrew Samson.
